I have the Keys to unlock the floor

20150708_111118It seems fitting that with the baby Crows heading back to work today that I got the call to pick up the keys to the floor.

I am not sure what to expect as things go during the preseason, it will be a unique journey and we can’t expect anything to go normal. Why should we when over the last few years, just as things we thought were settled and happy , then it was turned life upside down. Just when we thought the battle was finally over and we had made it to the other side, something else decided to test our strength again.

I am sure there will be many things to celebrate during this journey, there will be times that we will stop and reflect on certain events. Events that has made us stronger but also bonded us together.

The 19th floor is a place to visit to have fun, to remember and to share in what we are all hoping for, an amazing season. We have had some who have departed for many reason, to return home, retire from the game or under circumstances that no one could have predicted. As a family we have taken the time to grieve, whether it was on our own or with those we know, understand the grief and are waiting for us on the other side. The holidays are upon us and thoughts will wonder, that is OK. Just remember your not alone.

As I stand at the door and am ready to put the key in, to turn the lock to open and see what is inside. This is a journey to the unknown, how many of you are ready to see what is waiting for us on the other side of the door?